10 healthcare services not covered by Medicare
Medicare is an essential part of healthcare. It helps prevent many out-of-pocket expenses and even covers a large portion of your health expenses after a certain age. Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B are pretty comprehensive in their coverage. But, it is essential to understand that there are gaps in Medicare coverage. Read on to learn more about what exactly is not covered and how you can get coverage for these services. Dental care Medicare Part A does cover certain parts of dental services. But, for the most part, dental care, including X-rays, fillings, and even cleaning sessions, is not covered by Medicare. So, if you want coverage, you may opt for an extra plan. Vision Medicare also does not cover any eye examinations and eye care in general. This also includes the cost of contacts, eyeglasses, and more. Medicare Part B does offer some coverage for contacts and glasses only if you have had cataract surgery. But even here, the deductibles and costs may vary. If you want vision coverage, you can look into a Medicare Advantage plan. Hearing Hearing issues are another aspect of healthcare not covered by general Medicare. This includes hearing aids and the examinations required to test for hearing aids.