6 foods to avoid when dealing with multiple sclerosis

6 foods to avoid when dealing with multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which the body’s immune system begins to attack the nervous system, and this damages the nerves and the myelin sheath that covers the nerve fibers. Consequently, the nerves begin to lose the ability to transmit signals to different parts of the body, hindering the patients’ ability to carry out everyday activities. Currently, there is no permanent cure for this illness. However, treatment can ease the symptoms and discomfort.  Food choices Food plays a major role in providing the body with the nutrition it needs. Certain minerals and vitamins strengthen the body and help it fight against illnesses and infections. Even though there are no specific food-related guidelines for multiple sclerosis (MS), patients can avoid the following foods to prevent worsening the symptoms and their overall health. Saturated fats Saturated fats have been linked to multiple conditions. These include hypertension, heart disease, strokes, and even some forms of cancer. Some research also points out that saturated fats in foods may be related to the relapsing MS symptoms and even the progression of the disease. Foods that have saturated fats and should be avoided by people with MS include meat, milk, eggs, chicken skin, etc.  Excess sodium/salt Research shows that high or moderate amounts of sodium/salt intake can lead to relapse of symptoms in multiple sclerosis patients, increasing their discomfort.
9 foods to avoid while recovering from bronchitis

9 foods to avoid while recovering from bronchitis

Bronchitis is a health condition involving bronchial tube inflammation. Patients typically cough up mucus and experience several other symptoms, including mild fever, sore throat, body ache, sinus, and shortness of breath. Bronchitis is typically bifurcated as acute bronchitis, lasting for a definite period, and chronic bronchitis , a long-term ailment. Timely treatment, adequate care, and lifestyle changes can steadily heal patients with bronchitis. Here are some foods you must avoid if you are suffering from bronchitis: Dairy Dairy products can trigger mucus production and aggravate one’s bronchitis symptoms. Thus, patients with bronchitis must consider limiting or avoiding dairy and dairy products and switching to non-dairy protein sources like lean meats, soy and soy milk, almond milk, and eggs. Sugary drinks and desserts Aerated drinks and beverages loaded with sugar are associated with inflammation, aggravated cough, and lung irritation. Consequently, they can severely impede the recovery of patients with bronchitis and should be strictly avoided. Sugar, in general, is detrimental to individuals with lung diseases — individuals with a high glycemic index may experience hyperglycemia symptoms, including the need to urinate frequently. Such symptoms can culminate in breathing issues, proving harmful to patients with bronchitis. Thus, avoiding or highly restricting your sugar intake is best for a speedy recovery from bronchitis and bronchial infections.

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5 mistakes to avoid when investing in a high dividend ETF

Exchange-traded funds (ETF) have been gaining popularity in the investment sector for some time now. Along with mutual funds, they have been one of the most preferred investment options among investors. With investors having pumped in billions of dollars in ETFs by now, these funds sure seem like a lucrative investment avenue. However, financial experts suggest treading this path carefully so as to avoid unforeseeable losses. Here are a few mistakes that you can avoid while investing in high dividend ETFs: Overlooking long-term investment Looking at long-term goals is the golden rule when it comes to any type of investment. However, seasoned investors invest in ETFs on a short-term basis through a type of trading called intraday trade. This type of trading allows the investors to buy and sell stocks and other investments on the same day. However, if not thought out carefully, investing in high dividend ETFs through intraday trading can result in lower returns and higher trading costs. Buying an ETF simply based on its name This is one of the most common mistakes people make when investing in high dividend ETFs. Investors may think that an ETF’s name provides an insight into its investment reach, i.e., whether the ETF has local or/and global investors.
How to qualify for a reverse mortgage

How to qualify for a reverse mortgage

A reverse mortgage provides the elderly access to equity in their homes and supplements their income. With its flexible repayment option, it gives homeowners more control over their money. However, the government has laid out strict rules and guidelines concerning reverse mortgage eligibility criteria. So, if you’re considering a reverse mortgage, read on to know the reverse mortgage eligibility criteria and the types of reverse mortgages. Reverse mortgage eligibility criteria The first criterion for a reverse mortgage is that the primary homeowner must be at least 62 years of age. If your spouse is under the age of 62, you might still be eligible if you meet other reverse mortgage eligibility criteria. If you’re not 62 or older than 62, then you won’t qualify for a reverse mortgage even if you satisfy the criteria mentioned below. You must be the primary resident of the home you’re seeking a reverse mortgage for. Note that vacation homes or rental properties do not qualify. You must either entirely own the house or have at least 50% equity in it. If you have any mortgage balance remaining while applying for a reverse mortgage, you must be in a financial position to pay off that balance.
5 benefits of opting for debt settlement

5 benefits of opting for debt settlement

Debt settlement can be a financial lifesaver for many. Managing debt is quite a difficult task. With every advancing payment due date, one may feel their finances getting tighter and tighter. Between paying for a house mortgage, student loans, credit card debt, personal loans, and many other debts, it is quite common to miss out on paying one payment. Although it may not seem like a big problem initially, this is not good for financial health in the long term. This is where debt settlement comes in. There are multiple benefits to availing debt settlement offered by some of the top 10 debt settlement companies. No more bills With debt settlement, no more bills will be incoming in the mailbox. Debt settlement results in the closure of a debt account by the creditor. In such cases, one will not be able to use their credit cards again. However, this can be beneficial since it will prevent further debt in the future. With debt settlement, there is a permanent erasure of debt. No more collection calls With mounting debt, the calls of creditors are always incessant. If one if falling behind on too many bills, they are bound to be subjected to creditor calls throughout the day.