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5 gout triggers to avoid at all costs

5 gout triggers to avoid at all costs

Gout, a form of arthritis, affects joints where it causes an almost unimaginable level of pain. The suffering is so nasty and awful that even the slightest of touches to the affected area can feel as if a bulldozer landed on it. Although movement remains one of the biggest triggers of gout pain, there are other factors that are just as responsible for its occurrence. Aspirin and other medication It is essential to understand the root of this illness to understand how medication and any other entity, for that matter, triggers gout pain. Gout is caused due to the buildup of uric acid in the bloodstream. Uric acid is formed due to the breakdown of purine — a chemical compound found in almost all foods and drinks. The kidneys usually excrete uric acid through urine, but sometimes due to its excessive accumulation, it deposits in joints where it forms needle-like structures and causes pain and inflammation. Despite being good for the heart, aspirin increases the amount of uric acid in the blood. Even low doses of aspirin can trigger gout pain, which is more common in women than men. Diuretics can likewise have a similar effect, decreasing the kidney’s ability to remove uric acid and increasing the risk of gout.
4 best fitness apps you can download

4 best fitness apps you can download

The secret to fitness and nutrition is to strike a perfect balance between diet and exercise; both aspects go hand-in-hand. So, while it is important to exercise regularly, it is also important to be aware of what you are eating and how many calories it contains. Adhering to a workout routine is easier than keeping tabs on your calorie intake. However, with the presence of several apps that can not only help you lose weight, but also act as your nutrition diary, leading a healthy life is easier. Continue reading to know some of the most useful fitness and nutrition apps that can help you stay at the top of your health routine. Fooducate This fitness and nutrition app helps you keep a tab on your diet and exercise routine. The is replete with features such as calorie counter and exercise tracker. What makes Fooducate stand apart from other fitness apps is, it not only keeps a tab on calories, but also analyses the values of calories from different food sources such as calories from fats and calories from proteins. Both, free and paid versions are available for download on Apple as well as Android phones. Lose it! Another popular application, Lose it!
Ways to avoid Heartburn and GERD during pregnancy

Ways to avoid Heartburn and GERD during pregnancy

Indigestion is a common issue that accompanies pregnancy. Thanks to this little side effect of pregnancy, most moms-to-be suffer at least a handful of episodes of acid reflux and heartburn/GERD. Contrary to its name, the burning sensation from heartburn has little to do with the heart. However, much to all would-be moms’ relief, it has a safe cure that will relieve them of the discomforting feeling without harming the baby. The solution to this problem can be as simple as dietary and lifestyle changes. While there are safe treatments available, there are preventive options that won’t cause heartburn/GERD in the first place. Read on to know more about what causes heartburn/GERD during pregnancy and what dietary choices to make to prevent heartburn/GERD. Why is heartburn/GERD such a common occurrence in pregnancy? Heartburn/GERD is caused when stomach acids start rising into the esophagus. Pregnancy changes hormonal levels and helps relax muscles, which results in relaxation or leaking of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). LES is what keeps the stomach acids in place, which, in addition to the growing uterus is an invitation for indigestion symptoms. Here are the dietary and lifestyle measures that can help prevent heartburn/GERD during pregnancy. Eat often, eat less A full stomach is an invitation to heartburn/GERD.